Redesigning the Onboarding Experience at Jar: A Usability Test Success Story

The onboarding journey of a product plays a major role in building a perception of what the product offers and how the product functions. Jar, a digital gold savings company aims at educating is users about the benefits of digital gold. However, the onboarding journey has challenges in terms of transparency, simplicity and coherence. Due to which users are unable to understand what Jar offers. This can lead to challenges when it comes to motivating users to transact. It can also create misconceptions regarding our feature functionalities which can affect user retention. 

We need to deep dive into what users perceive of after they go through the onboarding. We also need to understand their pain points during the onboarding journey.

The onboarding journey of a product plays an important role when it comes to building a
first level perception about the product. The current onboarding journey creates
confusion around what Jar offers. This has resulted in users wondering what Jar does
and why they should use Jar. So, in order to cater to these needs and emotions of the
users, we have revamped so as to improve the comprehension, information retention
and satisfaction scores of the onboarding experience.


● Measure user’s recall of Jar after the onboarding

● Analyse what users understand from the content

● Identify content pain points at a screen level

● Analyse the user’s emotional journey while they go through the onboarding

● Check if users need assistance to complete the journey


Moderated In-person Usability Test

User Profile

● Users who have never used Jar (Non Jar)

● Location: Bengaluru

● Age: 18 to 40

● Occupation: Business and Salaried 

● Education: Completed Higher Secondary Schooling 

● Gender: Male & Female


Ask the users to go through the onboarding, sign up and DS Set-up Screen

Testing Metrics


● Check if users are being able to understand the vocabulary and their intended meaning

● Understand users’ have an overall understanding of what Jar offers

● Validate if users understand how savings on Jar works


● See if users are being able to recall the value propositions 

● Check if users are being able to summarise how they can save in Jar

● Understand users’ perception of Jar’s functionality


● Check how users feel throughout the journey 

● See where users feel curious, confident, confused, sceptical and cautious


● Check how satisfied the users are with the information they see in the journey

● Ask the users to give a rating based on their experience 

● Ask the users to give a reasoning for the rating they gave

Scoring Metrics



Participant Scores

Onboarding Screen 1:

● 6/10 users understood that Jar is a gold savings app from screen 1

● 6/10 users used the term “gold investment”

● 4/10 users pointed out that the ₹10 coin is not valid, which hampered their trust towards the app.

● 7/10 users were curious about how they can save in gold with just ₹10

● 9/10 users did not notice the copy “Gold saved in safe and secure lockers” until nudged

● 3/10 user could not understand how savings and gold were related

● The first thing that users noticed on the screen was Prakash Raj. Then the attention went to the header content.

● 3/10 users were confused about how they can encash their savings. This also happened due to the association with gold

● One user (P1) thought that they could get physical gold in exchange for ₹10.

● One user (P1) said, “ Company ka gold milega”

● One user (P10) said that gold for ₹10 sounds suspicious.

Onboarding Screen 2:

● 4/10 users thought that Jar is a gold selling platform and gives home delivery for it. They did not see Jar as a savings app

● One user (P9) thought that Jar sells gold at a cheaper rate. 

● 6/10 users understood that they could get home delivery of gold for their savings. 

● 8/10 users noticed the trust marker (24K) only after being nudged 

● 10/10 users felt a sense of security after reading “Trusted 24K Gold” 

● One user (P5) said, “The concept of delivery is confusing when associated with savings. This makes me feel like Jar is an e-commerce app”

Onboarding Screen 3:

Onboarding Screen 3

● 8/10 users did not understand that digital means digital gold. 

● 10/10 users could not associate digital with safety. For them, a sense of trust came from the Trust stamp of 5M. 

● One user (P8) said that digital here means online transfer of money like UPI apps. 

● One user (P10), thought that digital here meant, “cashless savings” 

● One user (P1) asked, “Digital means modern right?” 

● One user (P1) thought 5M means 5 minutes and could not understand why 5 mins was added here.


Participant Scores

● P1 thought that Jar is a gold-selling app. He could not relate the concept of savings with Jar. He thought that he could get gold in exchange for ₹10. He was also of the notion that it was a modern app due to the term “digital”. 

● P2 could not relate savings with gold, so couldn’t understand what Jar does. She said that she will not be able to explain what this app is about since she herself does not understand it. However, she developed an understanding about savings after seeing the gold jar animation and DS setup screen. 

● P3 understood that Jar is a savings app which saves in the form of digital gold. He could also understand that he can start saving with ₹10 and change the amount later on. He could recall all the trust markers as well. 

● P4 could recall that it’s a savings app. He could also recall that the savings will be in the form of 24K gold. He spoke about gold delivery as well. However, he had no recall for the concept of “digital’. 

● P5 recalled being confused about gold savings and gold delivery. He said that he is not sure about what the app primarily does. 

● P6 understood the app well and could recall all the pointers put on on the onboarding. He liked the convenience of saving on an app. 

● P7 thought that he would get interest in his gold. However, he understood that it is a gold savings app. He asked questions about how it is possible to save with as low as ₹10.

● P8 said that digital means online transfer of money to the app in order to buy gold. He also felt like he could both invest in gold and buy gold. 

● P9 thought he could buy gold at a cheaper price on Jar. He also thought that he could invest in gold with an amount of his choice. He saw savings and investment as similar concepts. 

● P10 perceived the app as a blend of gold savings and gold buying. However, he was confused about how it was possible to save and buy gold from the same platform. 


● P1 after seeing the onboarding felt that he had substantial information about the app. However, when he went further into the DS animation and set-up screen, he started feeling confused about what exactly the app does. 

● P2 did not understand any of the onboarding stories and was confused about what the app does. 

● P3 got curious about saving with ₹10 and also understood all the onboarding stories. He also understood that the savings will be automated. So he felt confident and good about the app. 

● P4 was curious and then felt eager about the app because he thought that it’s a convenient way to save 

● P5 got confused at several points during the onboarding journey. He did not understand how gold savings and gold delivery were related. He was also

confused about the significance of “digital” with respect to how the product functioned. 

● P6 got curious about the app when he realised that he can start saving low. Also, we seemed impressed by the fact that we already have 5 million customers. This was a motivating factor for him. 

● P7 got suspicious about the app and wondered how it was possible to save in gold with such a low amount. He was not convinced that Jar is a valuable platform when it came to savings. 

● P8 remained confused about the functionality of the app and the value propositions as well. He said that he will need more information to understand how the app functions. 

● P9 understood the app but did not see the value in using the app. He would rather buy physical gold or save in a bank. 

● P10 remained confused about how savings would be made and withdrawn. He had several questions around the benefits which remained unanswered.



Participant Scores

Onboarding Screen 1:

● 9/10 users understood that Jar is a savings app 

● One user (P4) thought that you can earn as well as save on the app 

● 5/10 users (P1, P3, P6, P8 & P10) said that this app will help them manage their finances, where they can plan their savings

● 10/10 users understood that this visual showcases a locker used for safe-keeping money

● P5 said, “Yaha pe savings safe rahenge. Secure hai” 

● P6 stated, “This app is 100% safe”

Onboarding Screen 2:

● 10/10 users understood that they can start saving with ₹10 

● 10/10 users understood that they can change their savings amount as per their convenience. 

● The visuals here played a key role in explaining the value proposition ● Users used the following phrases to describe this screen: 

● P1: “Change from small to big” ● P2: “Try saving with small amount” ● P4: “If I start with ₹10 now, in the 

future it will be ₹1,000, ₹2,000, etc.” ● P7: “Grow money for future” 

● P8: “Start with whatever you have”

Onboarding Screen 3:

● 5/10 users understood that they have to save daily for their savings to grow faster. They saw this as a great way of saving money. 

● P2 said, “If I save daily, I will save fast”. ● 5/10 users (P1, P2, P3, P4 & P7) wanted more clarity on how 3x works ● P1 said, “How is it 3x fast?” 

● P2 said, “10 save karne se 30 ho jayega) 

● P3 said, “I will get 3x interest on my savings” 

● P4 and P7 said, “I don’t understand the meaning of this”

Onboarding Screen 3:

● 10/10 users understood that  1 Crore+ people save on our platform ● 10/10 could understand that Paytm and Google Pay are the gateways for money to be saved. 

● P6 said, “Bohot log yaha save karte hai” 

● P9 said, “This information does not excite me.” 

● P1 asked in surprise, “ Do you really have 1 crore+ customers?”


Participant Scores

● P1 said that Jar is a finance app. He also said, “I can invest in this app”. This
user however was confused about how 3x works and wanted more information
on it. This user could not believe that Jar has 1 Crore+ users.

● P2 said that Jar is a money saving app. He said that Jar is most probably like a
PhonePe wallet. He also said that he will save faster if he saves daily.

● P3 said, “This app will help us save”. He also said, “Try saving with a small
amount and the amount can be changed.” However, this user thought that he
would get interest on his savings.

● P4 thought she could earn money on the app. She said, “We can earn on this
app and save on it.” She said she has no idea about how 3x works. She was
also curious about how a user can save on this platform.

● P5 said, “Saving ke baarein me hai yeh app.” He also felt that Jar is a secure
app. He also said that he can save 3x fast if he saves daily.

● P6 said that Jar is a money savings app. He also said that, “Kam amount se
start kar sakte hai”. He topped it off by saying, “Bohot log yaha save karte

● P7 said that Jar is a savings app where you can save for the future and for
emergencies. He said that he did not understand why we were showing him
3x. He wanted more explanation around it. He got confused between the app
name and the concept of Jar.

● P8 said, “This app creates the impression that we can save.” He also
believes that his money will be safe due to the image of the locker. However,
he was confused about 3x. He recalled that many users save on Jar.

● P9 thinks that Jar is a “digital piggybank”. However, she didn’t trust Jar
because 1 Crore+ is not a huge number as per India’s population and that it’s
not a convincing savings app.

● P10 said that Jar is like a savings account on your phone. He said, “I can
save here daily and people seem to be liking it.”


Participant Scores

● P1 felt neutral about the app because he was not convinced by the number of our users. He felt that Jar as a product was not exciting. 

● P2 was happy about the concept of saving daily and he felt that it was an efficient way to save

● P3 user thought he would get interest on his savings. However, when we told him that he wouldn't be getting any interest, he became dissatisfied with the app.

● P4 got really confused about what the app does. So, she was not satisfied with the onboarding journey. She said that she would need more information to understand how the app functions. 

● P5 was very satisfied with the app and he also felt a strong sense of trust towards the app due to the number of existing customers. 

● P6 liked the fact that he could save an amount of his choice. This flexibility motivated him to try out the app.

● P7 was satisfied by the fact that he can save up for emergencies on this app. However, he was slightly confused and had queries around how 3x works.

● P8 felt neutral about the app. He didn’t find the app to be exciting and also, he was confused about 3x faster savings. 

● P9 felt neutral about the app because she felt that there were not enough people who had tried it out yet. She also didn’t feel the need for a savings app.

● P10 was very satisfied with the app because he felt that it is very convenient to use. He felt that it was a great way to save fast.


P1 was inquisitive about how we were going to help people save. However, he got confused when he saw 3x. 

● P2 was curious about how Jar and savings were related. He said that Jar felt like a PhonePe wallet. He felt confident that he had understood how the app functions. 

● P3 was excited about the app and had the wrong expectations about getting interest on his savings. He was unmotivated and unhappy when he realised that he will not be getting returns. 

● P4 was not happy about the app because she felt that she did not understand how savings works on the app. She said that she will need more information and better explanations. 

● P5 felt confident about the app because he felt that Jar is a secure app and that his money will be safe. 

● P6 was quite excited about the app because he liked the fact that he could save an amount of his choice. He was different from SIPs where the amount is fixed. 

● P7 was happy about having a mode of easy saving. However, he was confused about how 3x works

● P8 felt neutral about the app and felt that it was nothing different and new. So, he didn’t feel excited about trying it out.

● P9 felt that it functioned as a piggy bank. She felt that it was not an effective way to save for larger goals in life

● P10 was happy about having an easy and fast way of saving money. He felt that it was a good way to save for people who spend a lot of money on things they don’t need.


In conclusion, the findings from the usability testing of the onboarding journey for Jar's old designs highlight significant areas for improvement. Users exhibited confusion regarding the app's core value proposition, especially around the concepts of gold savings, digital currency, and security. Many participants struggled with content comprehension and information retention, which impacted their overall task satisfaction and emotional response. Several misconceptions, such as viewing the app as a gold-selling platform or being unclear about the "digital gold" aspect, underscore the need for clearer communication and more intuitive design elements.

While there were some positive responses, such as the perceived convenience and security offered by Jar, a substantial portion of users expressed confusion, dissatisfaction, or a lack of trust, often due to vague or misunderstood messaging. These insights emphasized the need for a redesigned onboarding experience that more effectively conveys Jar's value, clarifies key features like gold savings, and fosters a more intuitive and satisfying user journey.

By addressing the identified pain points, Jar has enhanced users’ first impressions, improved content clarity, and ultimately increased activation, retention and satisfaction. Future designs should focus on ensuring that users can clearly understand how savings work, how their money is stored, and the overall value of using the app. With these changes, Jar built greater trust and engagement from new users, ensuring a smoother and more rewarding onboarding experience.

Project Type
Digital Gold Savings
2 months

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